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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Children's Choir - REDO!

I re-uploaded the video - the other one (from Flickr) cut off really early - this one "should" be the whole thing. :)

From Sunday night - Micah and Ella are in the 3-5 age choir. :) Yes, that is me laughing in the background. And the "loudest" ones you hear are Micah and his friend Emily (between Micah and Ella).


Amber said...

LOL OMG SOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!! I so need to get Alivia into a Choir!! She sings NON STOP ALL DAY LONG! =)

Sarah said...

Oh we laughed so hard! I needed that today...made me really look forward to seeing the kids. When L & E wake up in a bit, I'll let them watch it too. :-) Tell M & E they did a great job!!!!

Elisabeth Nixon Photography said...

We can't wait for the kids to be here! You guys too......and we'll let them sing together, play together - they can go to Awana with us - it'll be a fun time :)

Hilsen Bodil F.T. said...

So cute!! Thanks for uploading it!!

Unknown said...

love it that ella stepped down to be in the front of the microphone. they are TOO funny!