
My photo
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Monday, September 22, 2008


I had the priviledge of photographing my sister-in-law last week. She tells me she's not photogenic - I'll put the evidence below and let you decide for yourselves. The impression I'm left with is that No, she's not JUST photogenic. She's much MORE than just photogenic. :) We had a great time running around trying to find some obscure (and shady!) locations to shoot in. At one point she came tearing across a yard at me because the abandoned warehouse we were near had inhabitants. And they went from noisy to . . . well, Sara is 5'10" - and in those heels she's got another 3" on her . . . and if SHE'S running from the building then you'd better believe I followed suit! :)

Sara's got some exciting stuff coming - a new website for one - and the purpose of her photo shoot was for promotion . . . but I'll leave that as a surprise for when she's good and ready. In the meantime, we can enjoy her "non" photogenic pictures. I've got to say - this was probably the MOST fun I've had in a long time, not just during the session but especially when proofing and working with the pictures. It's so rewarding to photograph special moments in time, like when babies are teeny or when little ones reach milestones . . . but there's not always a lot of room for me to explore my own artistic desires. This is one of the few times when I've really been free to do just that - find more of "me" . . . and I've got to say, I like what I found. I'm just really fortunate to have had such a "non" photogenic person to work with - ha!







jordan smith said...

gorgeous shoot. love your editing.

eba said...

Wow, Elisabeth, this is awsome! That last pic is my absolute favourite, but then again I loooove vintage! And I agree, Sara is very photogenic! Lots of lovely photos!

Anonymous said...

Wowza Sara...

IVMarz said...

these are so fun!! great work

Sarah said...

Oh how beautiful she is! I love all the pics, esp the last one in that GORGEOUS dress. Another great set of pics, and another beautiful subject.