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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Markus & Sarah - {Florida Family Lifestyle Photographer}

This is my beautiful sister - well, one of three beautiful sisters that I have. :) This is Sarah and her husband Markus. They've got two of the cutest - and sweetest!! - kids as well. That's Levi and Emma. I'm pleased to finally introduce them . . . I talk about them, like, all the time! (Just yesterday I got in a bit of a "valley girl kick" where I said, uh, like, like...all day long. Now I'm stuck. Somebody smack me!)

Markus and Sarah need new pictures for their prayer card - they are missionaries with New Tribes Mission like my husband and I are - and it's time for an update. Of course this calls for a couple hours of me annoying them with my camera and dragging them ALL over town. However - I'm pleased to say that I think it was worth their while. There are at least one or two they can use for their prayer card and there are lots of fun ones that just captured the moment. :)

Here are just a few - and I'm sure I'll share more as I get to editing. yes, I am so behind in blogging and have lots to catch up on, but I will promise to continue plugging away at it!



and thanks to Joanna - another of my sisters - we were able to grab some with just Sarah and Markus. She was so sweet to help with the kids and she followed THEM around with her camera. :)



Hilsen Bodil F.T. said...

How beautiful!!!

Hilsen Bodil F.T. said...

How beautiful!!!

eba said...

Oh my goodness. They're so lovely! Good job, Elisabeth!!!

Unknown said...

Those are great pictures and I can't wait to see more! We love the Rosvik family to pieces and miss them dearly!!

Hilsen Bodil F.T. said...

I love, love, love these photoes!!! Beautiful!!! Great shoots!!! (wish we could have a a couple of hours with you and your camera too!!!!!!!)

Michelle Guzman said...

Love the yellow wall. Your work is fantastic! Love it!!!

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