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Thursday, April 24, 2008

I need one of THESE.

Ok so my hubby isn't going to like this post . . . AT ALL. But I can't help it. I sit here in my (uncomfortable) chair in the afternoons, looking at my FABULOUS dual monitors (thank you honey!), editing these SWEET and PRECIOUS baby pictures. It's HARD NOT TO want one!! I thought three days of visiting with Kathryn and beautiful baby B would have broken me of this . . . but NO. It's pretty obvious from the images below that I've got it bad, huh?? Kathryn took these and while I don't look NEARLY as cool as I'd like, I thought it was a FUNNY progression! Plus, she totally caught me smelling that sweet baby head smell that is my FAVORITE part of little babies. (I don't care so much for the "other end" that also smells . . . ) See bigger image here: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2153/2438880005_84b302cd6e_b.jpg


Statton Family said...

That is so sweet and you look beautiful.

Anonymous said...

bahaha You want one too!

eba said...

sigh. Who can get enough of them...? Delightful photos!

Anonymous said...

elisabeth, did i tell you i had the most vivid dream about a newborn baby the other night? poor thing--- i had laid it down and then kind of forgot about him, and when i went back to him he had rolled off bed and was soaked with sweat from crying so much!!! guess you better not leave a new born baby with me!!! huh???
love the pics. mom