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Thursday, February 10, 2011


Micah has recently taken to spending time with Olivia, reading. Olivia will sit for a long time with anybody who is reading to her, and that includes Micah. I came upstairs the other night and spied the two of them sitting on his bed and in a burst of nostalgia and panic that these moments are fleeing by so fast, I ran downstairs to grab my camera and document at least this one moment in time. (I don't do this enough.)

Yes, Micah's bed is on his floor. (it's easier to change the sheets this way when you have a bed-wetter!) Yes, the paint is peeling off the wall. (Apparently Micah does this as some sort of soothing ritual?!?) Yes, there are legos and knex all over the floor...along with clean clothes ready to be put away. (No excuses here!) But instead of making him do THAT on this night, I climbed onto the bed with both of them and let them read to me. :)










eba said...

Absolutely adoreable!!!

mimou said...
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jessica said...

these are so sweet!

Deanna said...

These are so so great!!!